Kris studied IT at the University of Science and Technology of Southern Philippines (formerly MUST). During her years in college she would gravitate towards illustration and design - helping the Student Council with designing posters, banners, etc.
After graduating college she was quite fortunate to land a job in Web Marketing For Dentists. She worked withWeb Marketing For Dentists for over a year and a half. She felt however that she needed to gain more experience in design and found a job at a local ad agency where she worked for a little over two years.Working under the wing of an experienced and sought-after senior designer in her town allowed her to grow her knowledge with regards to design. She gained experience working in projects from logo design, to print ads, to illustrations, to even being part of the official design team for an annual local cooking event. This gave her not only the experience but also a bit of insight and appreciation on the business side of things. Missing working on projects related to IT she was happy to rejoin Web Marketing For Dentists. When the opportunity came, she did not think twice. She now finds that the balance that she needed with the type of work that she wanted is withWeb Marketing For Dentists, having the opportunity to design and build websites while at the same time helping bridge patients and dentists, "I find it pretty rewarding". 🙂